Meta’s Threads API is Now Available for All Developers

Meta Threads API

Meta has made its Threads API available to all developers this week. After Twitter/X ended free access to its API last year, Meta hopes to see more developers take advantage of its new Threads API to accelerate the platform’s growth.

The API for the Twitter/X clone was already available in beta for select partners such as the social media tools Hootsuite and Spinklr. Twitter/X really benefited from the development of third-party clients back in the day, so it will be interesting to see if the Threads API will allow developers to create a better experience than the official app.

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“People can now publish posts via the API, fetch their own content, and leverage our reply management capabilities to set reply and quote controls, retrieve replies to their posts, hide, unhide or respond to specific replies,” the company explained in the announcement. “Insights are one of our top requested features for the API, so we are making it possible for people to see key metrics: the number of views, likes, replies, reposts, and quotes at media and account level, and the number of followers as well as follower demographics for your account.”

Threads is one of the fastest-growing apps of all time alongside OpenAI’s ChatGPT, and the app currently has more than 150 million monthly active users. Last month, Meta started rolling out a new multi-column interface on the Threads web app, which looks quite similar to X Pro (formerly TweetDeck). This is useful for power users interested in tracking different topics on the platform.

While Meta is trying to replicate many of the things that made Twitter great, Threads also offers a distinctive experience thanks to its support for the fediverse. This is currently only available in beta in certain areas, but this already lets Threads users communicate with users on Mastodon and people on other servers in the fediverse.

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