Xbox Will Have its “Biggest Booth Ever” at Gamescom 2024

Xbox gamescom 2024

Microsoft has confirmed its presence at this year’s Gamescom conference in Cologne, Germany on August 21-25. Xbox will be the only console maker at the event this year, and Microsoft promises to come with its “biggest booth ever.”

Gamescom is the biggest annual trade show for the video games industry, and in recent years, the Xbox team always had a significant presence on the show’s floor. This year will also mark the first participation of Blizzard Entertainment as part of the Xbox team.

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The Xbox team confirmed that attendees will be able to check out various upcoming Xbox-exclusive games. As of today, the list includes Age of Mythology: Retold, Avowed, Ara: History Untold, and Towerborne. Microsoft will also showcase Bethesda’s two live service games, The Elder Scrolls Online and Fallout 76, while Blizzard will be here to show the upcoming Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred expansion, Diablo Immortal, and World of Warcraft: The War Within.

The Xbox team plans to share more details about the games it will show at Gamescom soon. Microsoft made a really good impression with its Xbox Games Showcase earlier this month, so the company will need to capitalize on that and keep showing its strong pipeline of exclusive games.

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